The Ghana Military (GAF) have discredited claims that they have conveyed any intimidations to assume command over the nation assuming that the 2024 decisions turn rough. These claims supposedly connected to an assertion by Dr. Emmanuel Akwetey, Leader Head of the Organization for Majority rule Administration (IDEG), have been solidly debunked by the GAF.

In a public statement dated August 23, 2024, GAF explained that no public interview had been held to report any aim of organizing an overthrow. The assertion underscored that the job of the Military is to offer help to the Ghana Police Administration when mentioned, and this help ought not be deciphered as an endeavor to oust the public authority.

"We wish to draw the consideration of the public that GAF will possibly uphold the Ghana Police when the last option demand for help and that doesn't comprise an overthrow of an administration. "The claim by Dr Akwetey can't be valid on the grounds that the Ghana Military has not held any question and answer session at which it announced its goal to assume control over the country.

"We wish to clarify that GAF in no way wants to organize an upset and will forestall and oppose any individual, gathering or association trying to take over unlawfully the force of government either acting alone or in a joint effort with any security organization," the military expressed. GAF likewise approached common society gatherings and the media to cease from utilizing its name to induce political strain, encouraging all partners to cooperate to guarantee a serene air paving the way to the December 2024 elections.

"GAF wishes to approach common society gatherings and the media to cease from involving its name to elevate political strain in the country. We wish to ask all partners to hold hands in guaranteeing that all residents feel free and protected to exercise their legal rights in an environment of quietness. GAF, similar to all harmony adoring establishments and people, is anticipating quiet elections come December 2024. We hence approach all foundations and gatherings not to connect GAF with whatever has the capability of elevating political tense in the country.

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