The promise of ensuring nurses and teachers acquiring their own car not feasible - Car Dealers expressed worries. The New Patriotic Party's (NPP) pronouncement has been pointedly condemned by the Vehicle and Resources Sellers' Association of Ghana for its obvious absence of designated arrangements intended to help the auto business.

The association, which addresses a huge area of Ghana's economy, communicated worries over what it sees as a botched an open door for the public authority to connect genuinely with private area players, especially those in the vehicle and resource industry.

As per the association, the NPP's declaration doesn't sufficiently address the particular requirements and worries of vehicle and resource vendors, an area it said assumes a significant part in the country's economy by working with the deal and securing of vehicles and different resources.

General Secretary of the association, Clifford Ansu bemoaned that the pronouncement disregards the potential for productive joint effort between the public authority and the association, particularly in regions where such organizations could yield huge advantages.

Mr Ansu brought up that the pronouncement contains guarantees that appear to be separated from the real factors of the business. One such commitment that has drawn the association's consideration is the NPP's obligation to assisting nurses and teachers with procuring vehicles.

Mr Ansu scrutinized the common sense and possibility of such a commitment, particularly without a trace of discussion with key partners like his association.

"If the medical caretakers and the specialists that the NPP say they will give them vehicles, which we realize that they couldn't in fact give those vehicles that we are discussing to them, yet it is a commitment since anything the public authority has been saying over the long haul is something that never at any point emerged.

"In any case, in the event that they can in any case accept this statement guarantee that the vehicles will be given to them on that score, we approve of them. In any case, apparently, they ought to permit us to do our business, we need no obstacles from the public authority."

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